Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 2- Start Running, Girl!

Current Weight: 146.8 lbs
(with clothes- jacket, sweatpants, t-shirt, undergarments)

Goal Weight: 120 lbs.
Deadline: June 22nd (birthday)
Height: 5' 2"
Age: 17

Breakfast: 1/2 cup Fruit Loops
Lunch: 1/2 chicken sandwich, 1 banana
Dinner: post-it note sized piece of meatloaf, 1/4 cup pasta
Beverages: 3.5 liters water, 8 oz. diet green tea (Lipton)

Well, friends, today is day two of my diet. I took the time to set up my blog yesterday (day one), so here I am today. I'll cut to the chase and say it: I'm FAT. Weighing how much I do while only being 5' 2" looks absolutely terrible. I weighed 120 lbs three years ago, was anorexic for half a year, "recovered", and then binged until I was a total and complete fattie. Needless to say, I've become really disgusted with myself and am definitely ready for a change.

I'm past being scared of going to extremes- I'm extreme enough just by being this big. After dealing with my parents constantly watching every little thing I ate, being embarrassed to be weighed at the doctor's office, and lacking in the boyfriend department I am ready to be thin and beautiful!

I decided to run to Walgreen's and pick up some diet pills and appetite suppressors. I grabbed the "Slimquick" pills meant for women. I'm like some of the stupid, weight-obsessing people out there who take zero care of their health. I wanted to try something that would be gentler on my system and take into account that I am female. I also grabbed Aqua Full- the appetite control packets you mix in with water.

Results so far? Well, I have a hunch that the diet pills are supposed to make you defecate quite a bit, or else my colon is just going into a flare again (have ulcerative colitis). Aqua Full tastes quite a bit like Metamucil to me, so I tend to dilute it with 32 oz (1 liter) of water instead of 16 oz.

Admittedly, I have been eating half as much
as I usually do and today my pants felt looser (perhaps that part is only wishful thinking?). I normally drink water only at meal-times so I am wondering if there is a correlation between thirst and the diet pills. Either way, I am drinking more (hydration is always a good thing) and eating less (even better).

I'm planning on getting a bit of exercise in on the Wii Fit (don't be skeptical! It does give a pretty good work-out if you go at the higher levels). I'll work myself up to more intense activities, but as of now that's all I can fit in until after graduation (high school).

We'll just have to wait and see how it turns out. No matter what, I am not giving up!

Days Left Until Deadline: 48

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