Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 19- Confess and Purge Yourself

First off, sorry for that little spiel yesterday. I apologize for any who were offended by my strong language (normally I hardly ever say the mild curse words). Thank you for all of your support through the past two rotten days. I suppose there will always be days like those, and I'll just have to learn to deal.

So today was better. I thought it was going to be one of those fantastic days- I even skipped breakfast. I survived the first two graduation parties, but once that piece of cake passed by my lips, I was done for. I hate purging. To me, it is a sign of weakness and desperation. That said, I went home after six or so graduation open houses and purged until I could only dry heave. I feel better now.

Tomorrow is my open house. I want to feel really pretty all day. My goal is to eat absolutely nothing except maybe a snow cone and a sandwich after 7pm (when my open house is actually over). That is my goal for tomorrow and I intend to reach it.
It is interesting to think that I'm graduating tomorrow. It doesn't seem real. I want to leave this summer thin and beautiful. I don't want my friends to remember me for how gross looking I was. I have a nice smile and personality, but my body doesn't fit at all with those two characteristics.

I will reach my goal! Weigh-in tomorrow. I have a doctor's appointment Monday too- for my colon.

Stay Skinny!

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