Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Confessions of an IBD Girl

Well, I got really really sick today. We had this big community service day today and I was sent to overturn the mulch at the playground. It's like 75 degrees out today, but I still managed to get all sweaty and burn. Anyway, turns out I'm allergic to my new meds again- dammit! So my mom had to pick me up, though I did get about 2.5 hours in- I'll still exercise tonight though.

So, anyway. Shoot me some luck that my meds start working better. I don't want to be super sick for graduation and my open house!

But I randomly weighed myself today at 3:30 pm.....142.8 lbs! Did I really just lose a pound in a day?! Snazzy! This makes me feel a bit better and definitely wanting to eat very little tonight.

Be Beautiful! 

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