Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bring the Rain

I had a fantastic time hanging out with S tonight! He's such a great guy to be around. We messed with our guitars for a little while (we're both self-taught.....he's farther ahead than me though). Then we were just settling down to watch "Fight Club" when my mother called for me to come home because the weather was "getting bad". So I had to leave early and ended up driving right through the middle of a storm. I had to pull over because the rain and wind were so strong. So S and I chatted on the phone until my car finally finished crawling home.

I feel a bit bad though. I love S and his family dearly, but they like to feed their guests. S's relatives from New York were in town for the weekend and left a huge box of gourmet chocolates. In my weakness, I took one and had several handfuls of popcorn. Bad bad Bekah!

But other than that, I really did have a good night. I have this weird feeling that if I had stayed longer, S and I might have cuddled (or maybe I'm just sadly disillusioned).

I know he'll love me when I'm thin and perfect.

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