Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 49- Click Your Heels Together

Interesting day today. We drove through Kansas, Oaklahoma, Texas, and ended up in New Mexico. Spent around 10 hours in the car. I resisted my snacks for the most part- just one bag of chocolate Teddy Grams (120). For breakfast, my dad brought me up a huge tray of food in honor of my birthday. One small banana nut muffin (120), one cup orange juice (120), half a biscuit with gravy (200). For lunch I had a small turkey sandwich (180). Dinner was one salad (85). And then of course, my "birthday cake"- Hostess cupcake (250). Total calories for the day: DISGUSTING.

I added up to 900 calories then just stopped because I am so disgusted with myself. What a shitty food day. And here I thought I was doing so good! No lunch tomorrow, coffee and maybe toast for breakfast, salad for dinner. I feel so gross now. I should have made sure to count all those dumb calories throughout the day. Dammit!

But tomorrow will be a new day. I will be hungry and stay that way.

I REFUSE to gain any weight on this trip.


1 comment:

vanilla finnegan said...

aww I'm sorry things didn't go how you liked it but 900 calories is just fine!
When I usually get up to that point I just get so upset that I eat my feelings and end up is dastardly places like 1,500 calories! Don't don't fret too much :)
You'll be fine !!!

vanilla finnegan

have fun! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D