Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 37- Eating Air

So far, no food intake today. I had my usual cup of coffee and vitamins this morning and that has been it. Just made a big pot of oolong peach tea. Yum yum. I don't want to cave, but I may have a bit of salad for lunch today, just to make sure my metabolism is kicking. Salad is okay, right? Light Italian dressing is only 45 calories and lettuce is probably another 45 at the most, so barely 100 calories total for the day. No so bad.

I'll keep you all posted as the day goes on. I'm trying to escape the house so I'm not tempted to eat at all. Thanks for all the support. I'm sure this would be a heck of a lot harder without all of you to back me up. Thank you.

Skinny Minny shall be my name!


vanilla finnegan said...

1 cup lettuce= 9 calories. go for it!

Good luck :)

Violet said...

Vanilla! I was so afraid you'd disappeared!