Sunday, March 20, 2011


It's taken so long, but I have finally learned that nothing comes easily. There is work involved in nearly every part of life, especially when it comes to relationships and body image. After my last post, I have been going to the gym every day (except Friday). Usually, I hate the gym and all the hot guys working out make me feel like a whale, but I have discovered the best times to go with minimal athletes to deter me from taking off my sweatshirt. I hop on the stair master every time for half an hour and burn around 300 calories each time. Yesterday was my first afternoon going to the weight room and working out on the machines (normally, there are too many people in there for me to even think about entering). I felt absolutely amazing afterwards. And I feel pretty dang good today.

I found a hidden perk to working out too: I'm not hungry for hours on end, even when I don't eat anything pre-gym.  I'm trying to learn to be more in tune with my hunger. I tend to eat on a schedule or simply when I'm bored as hell. Not good! So now I only allow myself to eat when my stomach is growling and nearly cramping up, and then it is only healthy filling foods like oatmeal, cereal, or toast.

I'm taking this energy supplement from GNC called "Burn 60". It is supposed to boost energy and burn up to 60% more calories than one would normally burn in a day. I think I can already see a slight change in the way my upper abdominals look. Truthfully, seeing that slight change this morning made me don my workout clothes and head to the gym instead of immediately starting on my long list of homework. And I can now go to the gym even longer and feel less tired afterwards. I'm not sure if it's the product working or just my sudden determination, but either way I like this new feeling.

This time is going to be different. I'm no longer going to be lazy and figure that starving is enough to lose weight. I'm going to work harder than I ever have before and maybe the weight will stay off for good this time.

I'm crossing my fingers.

xo Violet

 (This is my favorite before and after thinspo of the day)

1 comment:

Dani said...

yay for all the gym time
i love going to the gym
and the b4 and after is amzing