Thursday, March 24, 2011

Beware the Rant About a Bitch

There's this girl. 
And there's this boy.
The boy, I like.
The girl...she's a fake bitch....

Well the boy, M., is a really good friend of mine and I really had quite a large crush on him for a large portion of this year. I was pretty dang sure he liked me too. But then we went to E's house (the other bitch) and he met E's friend, Am (the one mentioned above). Pretty sure she could tell that M and I had something between us, so she used the only weapon she had against me...she was hospitalized with Ana. Execpt that the damn thing happened 3 years ago (not that I'm saying it isn't a big deal or anything, but it is NOT something you use. Ever.). So anyway, the two kept texting and she always talked about her "problems" and how she wanted to be Ana again and all this shit. Of course, M. is the type of guy who is so sweet and tries to fix everyone's problems for them. Of course, he'd fall for her, the poor little girl with the eating disorder, not the fat nice friend on the side (me). Did I mention she just turned 16 and he is 19? Well, yeah. And believe me, she is not mature...more like she has the maturity level of a 12-year-old (seriously). and not to be mean, but she is much much bigger than I am, and I am rather least I was moreso at the time....

Ahh! I'm just so pissed off tonight! M said that it "wouldn't work" between him and Am anyway, but it still makes me angry. I don't really like him anymore. And I've promised myself that I will never ever use Ana to make someone feel bad for or like me. It is my secret and mine alone. I probably will never tell him. 

Why is it that the fake, nasty, mean bitches get the sweet and loving guy? I don't understand. I really don't get it and it makes me sad.

Something else that's sad? I like to pretend the guys at the gym glance at me occasionally. I'm pretty sure they never do. But it makes me work harder and feel kind of better about myself (even if I know in the back of my mind that it is not true). 

I hope tomorrow is better. It is a Zumba and abs workout night!

(Today's favorite before-and-after)


A.beautiful.mess said...

I always pretend people are watching me when I'm out, it makes me act more elegant and makes me more aware of my actions :)

that before and after is awesome, I want that.

an♥nym♥us said...

That is horrible! Why would anyone want to use an ED like that?

Anyway hope you have a better day :) x

Dani said...

i dont understand y she would do that

floating ashes said...

this is why i'm glad that ana took those hormones away from me. I honestly don't give a shit for guys now. No guys no drama

Inspirateur said...

What a bitch! that girl sounds horrible!

I often pretend people are watching me too.. i know what you guys mean, it makes you more aware of what you are doing..

Jane said...

That's the nastiest thing that girl could do, manipulating someone using her ED. Having an ed is not a game, and she really is a bitch for doing that.

I hope you have a better day today! :)