Sunday, March 27, 2011

An Apple Should Haven Been the Only Thing I Ate Per Day

Sorry, darlings, that I have not posted for so long. I woke up on Friday and felt like I had been knocked over by a sledge hammer. Every gland in my neck was swollen, I could only hear out of one ear, and my nose was doing a stupid clog-unclog act. All in all, I really felt like total and complete crap. And I have continued to feel like this since then. Except now it has moved to my colon...I race to the toilet every 15 minutes if you catch my drift....and I have a hacking cough that leaves me dizzy and unable to think for a few seconds.

I really hate being sick. I hate feeling my body grow weak and not having any energy to work out (or at least enough common sense not to drag myself to the gym...sometimes I wish I didn't have that common sense). I wouldn't mind so much if I had the stomach flu, at least then I would be losing weight and my profs would be much more sympathetic to my case. And if I had the stomach flu, I wouldn't have the strength to get out of bed and eat something, let alone keep it in my stomach for too long. Nope. No luck there. Instead I have a simple, stupid, draining virus. Nothing I can do about it. I just feel like crap all day, don't have the energy to concentrate on any of my work, but still find the energy to eat something. Hell, I've had enough energy to cook oatmeal and lean pockets two different times each. Oatmeal wasn't so bad, but I'm ready to shoot myself over those lean pockets (for those of you who aren't familiar, lean pockets are a "less fatty" version of hot pockets). I feel like a pig. 

I still feel sick enough not to go to class tomorrow, but I need to get to the gym and get my chapel credits in (I go to a Christian college, so chapel attendance is mandatory...not sure if I really agree with takes the purpose out of worshipping if you're forced to go by the school system). I could just work out, go to chapel, and then not go to the rest of my classes, but someone will probably see me. Plus, I'd need my RA to email my profs this time for proof that I'm still sick and she definitely would not agree with me working out. It's still a possibility to get out my 10-minute dance video- I'm in love with it...I use the video every time I need an extra boost to my workout.

Decisions, decisions. I really just feel like crap now and am behind in so much school work (at least it seems that way). I don't know if it would be worth it to miss class or not. Plus, I have to host a tutoring session and have a book meeting tomorrow night. Too much to do!

Shoot me some luck, darlings. I think I'm going to work up the nerve to weigh myself again towards the end of this week. I'm going to try to limit my intake to 600 calories max, that way I am always burning off all that I eat for an intake of 0 every day. I'm still playing with the idea of eating only 300 on the days I work out just once, but we'll see. I'll figure it out tomorrow, along with my options of whether or not to stay in bed all day again.


an♥nym♥us said...

oh sweetheart you need to stay in bed all day and do nothing! Don't you worry yourself about all the things you need to do, just take it easy. Awwww poor you, hope you get better soon x

Dani said...

ur like me event hough ur sick u cant sit still im sure if i sat still my month longillness that is still going would gave been over in a week
take care of urself hun and rest

A said...

Sorry about you getting sick! that's the worst, but drink lots of fluids & you'll feel better (plus drop a few pounds?!) I love short dance video workouts. I hope you're feeling better. Xo A