Monday, September 20, 2010

Begin Again

I'm back, and this time it's for good.
I love my friends dearly, but they don't understand what it's like to be this fat.
I can't look in the mirror anymore- it's just so hard to do. I've only been trying to be "normal" for two weeks now, but I've gained at least 10 pounds. That's just pathetic and disgusting. All the foods I had been avoiding came parading into my stomach until my thighs rounded out and my stomach swelled. I can't see my collar bones and my cheek bones are no longer defined, but hidden under a fresh layer of fat.
I can't even describe how disgusting I feel.
I'm ready to begin once more. I bought more "SlimQuick" the other day at Wal-Mart. I know pills are "weak", but I need some help this time. They're the type with Hoodia in them, which will reduce my appetite. I plan to tell my friends that my doctor has put me on a liquid diet again because I am having too much inflammation again.
I'm going to work out at the fitness center for a half hour or more every day. I need to start with baby steps, but I hope to begin running soon on my own. I hate to run, but I know it will make me so much thinner.

Thank you to all that have stuck with me during this time. I even gained 4 new readers during my absence! Thank you all so much. You all mean the world to me and help me get by every day.
I'll post again tomorrow.
And the next day.
And the next.
I won't leave you all ever again.

Stay strong and begin anew.

Much love, Violet.


Dani said...

ur right ppl just dont undersand how hard it is for us
but good for u for doing what u want and not listening to them
stay safe hun and stay strong

Mindy said...

Glad you are back...I hope you start feeling the happiness again. Take care of yourself and be strong. Much love and happiness!!

A.beautiful.mess said...

Welcome back :)

You'll lose the weight once you get back to normal restricted eating.

good luck

Anonymous said...

welcome back, and thanks for following me :) Im Bella
dont worry too much- you'll be back on track soon :)