Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Food Porn

You know you're rather messed up when you enjoy watching food commercials and counting how many calories are in that said commercial. Let's just say, Olive Garden is for very large Americans who wish they were Italian.

That said, intake was pretty good today. Breakfast- I know, I caved this morning- 1 banana (100). Lunch- 1/2 cheese sandwich (150). "Special treat"- with mum- 1/2 small Georgia Mud Fudge blizzard from DQ (330). Supper- salad and berries (50). Total intake for today: 630 calories. I'm rather pissed that it's more than my 500 max for today. I should've made sure of the calories on that damn Blizzard! I was thinking around 250 calories for half, not 330! Jeez, that is a load of calories in one whole small blizzard. No more Dairy Queen for this still-fat girl!

Went to Walmart today and bought one of those 10 minute solution DVDs- the dancing one. I figured since I am a really unskilled dancer and I can keep focused for at least 10 minutes and wanted to pick up a few sexy moves for the cruise, I thought this would be perfect for me. I AM IN LOVE! This is probably the best workout DVD I have ever bought! The moves were challenging, yet at the end of the 10-minute segment, I could get most of the moves down quite well. There are 5 different dance workouts on the video. I did two today and would have no problem doing the same two tomorrow (though I may just have to try some different ones). I was breathing fast towards the end and I was sweating a bit, but I'm thinking that 10 minutes may be too short to burn a ton of calories. Toning on the other hand, is very much encouraged in the DVD- each move focuses on the core and tight legs- yay! So far, I love this video!

I have a doctor's appointment and a CT scan for some pains I've been having in my ribs/right side. Hopefully, there won't be anything wrong there, just overstretched or muscle spasms. Bonus though, I have to fast before and my scan is at 12 o' clock. I'm going to try to convince mum that she should eat during the hour of my CT scan. Then I won't have to eat lunch! Or else, I'll just tell her that I want a small small side salad from where ever we eat. I'm going to try to stay at 400 calories or less tomorrow. Weigh-in tomorrow maybe? Stay Skinny!

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