Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 4- Imagine

Well, I feel thinner today at least. I'll weigh myself tonight after work, so cross your fingers!

Yesterday was a sleeping and reading day for me. I nibbled on some toast and had 1/4 bowl of Fruit Loops. I feel much better this morning, though I'm still waiting for some energy from those pills to kick in! I reduced my pill intake to two in the morning and two after school instead of the recommended three twice a day. It seems to be helping. Unfortunately, coffee is no longer a part of my diet- the caffine makes me really sick and may have been half the cause of my accident yesterday.

I suppose it is wrong to take pleasure in imaging people around me getting fatter as I watch them eat handfuls of candy and an extra slice of pizza when I eat so much less and lose weight. God says not to judge others and I try to live by that, but I tell you it is hard to resist a grim smile when my mother takes two candy bars when I have none.

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